Monday, November 8, 2010

My Kitchen...

Well, the votes are in, i officially have the ugliest kitchen ever. I'm not sure where to even start with this beauty, but my main floor of my house is open concept, so there's no way of hiding this kitchen. The cupboards are basically brand new, it feels ridiculous to rip them out and have them go to waste but the color makes me sick. Flesh tone, hannibal lector cupboards with purple-gray counter tops.

Can you even paint this fake wood stuff to the point that it is durable? I'd love to paint them white, change the hardware, get dark counter tops and finish it off with a different color on the walls. It seems like the easiest answer. Please help, this kitchen makes me want to cry.

ps: please take note to how remarkably small it is.


  1. I keep coming back to this picture. When you describe it as "Hanibal Lector" of course it's grody! Hahaha. Is it a laminate veneer? Maybe test one with paint and see how it turns out. You would probably want to prime it. Rustoleum also makes a countertop paint. Hmm... Well, your kitchen definitely has potential! It's really not that bad!

  2. lol! i know, it's all i can think of when i look at them. i think it's a laminate of some sort whatever else you call the fake wood cupboards. Supposedly you can paint this stuff now with special primer and finish. I'm going to try this weekend, eeek!

    counter top pain eh? i'll have to look that up! Thanks for commenting on the ugliness that is my kitchen :)
