Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sewing Room

So, I've been flip flopping between wallpapering a wall in my sewing room with a "damask" sort of a pattern. Then i figured i could be lazy and cheap and do a stencil, so i found a stencil that seemed okay, but i stared at it continually while i was buying paint and decided it was ugly and too dated looking, so i picked out a gorgeous wallpaper, stared at it continually until i decided the whole thing was a bad idea and i should just go with my gut and do stripes. Whew! I like the idea of wallpapering, but if i didn't end up liking the end result, it would be a pain to change, and as all of you know, i'm no stranger to constant change.


  1. It would take so long to paste that wallpaper in the stripes. Imagine trying to line them all up! This looks amazing. Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog last friday. Hugs. Simone xx

  2. omigosh. Wallpaper freaks me out. too complicated. Thanks so much for looking at my blog, i just love yours.

  3. That's some intense striping! I love it though! Crazy! Hehehe!
